

Fine Sciences is based on a computer-program presentation shown on the internet. This program-simulation was created by Dan Reznik from the University of California, Berkeley. For the film, the animated simulation was photographed from a computer display. The photos were then edited in Photoshop and joined together to make the film. The soundtrack for this film is a compression of the sound produced by the digital-camera during photography.

Fine Sciences is the first film and, simultaneously, the first work in the Fine Sciences series. The Fine Sciences Series is a work based on visual material found on the Internet. Most of this material consists of graphic visualisations from scientific research, and was made to support the imagination by presenting complex relations, interactions, and processes within certain (given, experimental, or virtual) environments. This found footage was downloaded and transferred to the context of art. The visual structure – not the original purpose – of these visualisations was the criterion for their selection.


A computer animated video.
49 seconds.


+ How to Socialise the Blues
+ Fine Sciences, exhibition
+ Fine Sciences Graphics